Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Important Additional Info

Just a couple of important info items that I had thought of today. . .

***Don't forget that Dr. Waldrip will be visiting us tomorrow afternoon on campus after lunch!  :) 

1.        Vertical Team will be cancelled tomorrow.  We will do a combo PLC/Vertical meeting all together next Wednesday, October 15th.  Hopefully this will give you some extra time to gather any data for parent conferences and any other materials you will share with parents!


2.       Sub folders– If you could all please make sure that you have a sub folder with any info that could help them as they go through the day.  This should be easily accessible and should be ready to go at any time, because you never know for sure when you might get sick, etc.


3.       Sub Plans- Please make sure that you are leaving detailed plans for you subs when you are going to be out.  It is never a guarantee who the sub might be (even when you have a request).  We have had concerns already this year with plans not being ready to go and subs having numerous questions in the office.


4.       Engineer of the Week (teacher of the week) – Brett is placing these sheets in everyone’s boxes.  (new teachers he still needs to get pictures of you and will do this on Thursday).  I would like for everyone to have their sheet filled out and returned to Brett, so when we are ready to post on the board for that week, they are ready to go!  Please have this filled out and turned back in by Tuesday, Oct. 14th!!  (we will be trying to focus on highlighting specific lesson design activities happening in your room!)


5.       Texans of the Week (student of the week) – We will be starting these up again the week of October 20th!  We are wanting to make sure that this year a student is chosen based on something they did well.  (ex:  a life principle such as responsibility, perseverance, etc.)  Cindy will be sending out an email with updates on how to enter the Texans. 


6.       Parent Teacher Conferences – Please make sure that Marnie has a copy of your schedule for parent conferences on Friday!  This helps us in the office, in case parents call, etc. 


7.       New Bulletin Boards -  You may have noticed we have gotten in some new bulletin boards for our hallways!  They are meant to be interactive and more info will come this week about how learners and educators can use these for learning! 

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