Sunday, April 23, 2017

Last Week of April. . .What???

It's hard to believe we are already in our last week of April and moving on into our final weeks of this school year! 
Week of:  April 24th-28th, 2017

Summative Conferences All Week

Monday-  Fire Drill - AM

Tuesday - Angie Out (principal meeting AM)
Education Foundation Banquet - evening (TOY celebration)

Wednesday - Jeans Day (any shirt)
Sky Ranch- 5th grade (Brett, Kelly, Sue - out)

Thursday -  Sky Ranch  - 5th grade (Brett, Kelly, Sue - out)

Friday - Jeans Day (any shirt)
Sky Ranch - 5th grade (Brett, Sue - out)
Kelly Out (AM)
Therapy Dogs
No Texan Town

Important Reminders
Observation Activity
For our final vertical/tlc meetings, we will be discussing several things including goals for next year for the campus as well as next steps with instructional coaching and responsive teaching.  Please make sure that you have done your observation activity that I talked about earlier this year.  This is a time in which you go to a location (whatever location you like outside of our school building) and observe the environment, people and interactions around you.  This might be tone of voice, body language, sights, sounds, etc.  It only has to be a short collection of your thoughts about 20-30 minutes of your time.  You could write or type up your thoughts and we are going to do an activity discussing our observations.  

From the Desk of BS….volume 30

Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success.

A few take-a-ways:
-Talent doesn’t make you gritty.
-The ability to learn is not fixed, it can change with your effort.
-Be gritty about making your kids grittier.

Over the next few weeks, let’s think about grit and what we can do to impact our learners!

Another great week down! 


Shout Outs!
A huge thank you to everyone for coming out to the TCE Hoedown and for helping our families and community members have a blast!  - Angie

Thank you to Candace, Mary, Tina, Leigh Ann, Becky, Sue and anyone else (sorry if I missed someone) for helping to cover some of our Hoedown stations! - Angie

Thank you Mary and Michael Kennington for staying after the Hoedown to help with clean up!  Greatly appreciated!! - Angie

Thank you Casey Wagner for the Sonic drink last week, it hit the spot!!  - Angie

April Birthdays
Brett Shelby - 7th
Morgan Peccarelli - 22nd
Patti Radcliffe - 26th
Stacey Watson - 27th

Curriculum Connection:  Effects of Bias
Watch the following video connection, check out these brief articles on bias and how it affects people in the world. . .then post on the following padlet any connections (thoughts, ideas, feelings, video links, article links, etc.) you make.  If you could please do this by our faculty meeting on May 3rd.  

Also, if you missed posting on any padlets from other book study/video connections this year, please make sure you have done so!  We will be tying this into a short reflection during our faculty meeting.  

Following Article Connections

Final Quotes for the Week

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