Saturday, March 4, 2017

Spring Break is Approaching. . .

We are nearly there people. . .which seems almost crazy that we are getting this close to our final months of the school year!  As we gear up for Spring Break, remember we have another full week of learning and the fun opportunity to take advantage of truly showcasing learner growth with our Open House.  I can't wait to see how you will be sharing some of those amazing activities you have done with learners this year and the work that will be displayed!  Thank you for all of your efforts as we head into this week and if anyone deserves this break it is all of you. . .our fabulous TCE staff!  Love y'all!

Week of:  March 6th-10th, 2017

TELPAS Window Opens
Book Fair All Week

Monday Jeans Day(any shirt)
TELPAS Testing

Tuesday - Donuts with Dad

Angie Out (AM) Principal Meeting
TELPAS Testing

Wednesday - Jeans (any shirt) Donuts with Dad
TELPAS Testing
**No After school Meeting:  Gift of Time to Prepare final needs for Open House

Thursday -  Brett Out (PM) AP Meeting
Open House 5:30-7:00pm 

Friday -  Jeans/Sweats Day
Spirit Rally - 8:30am - Gym (Kinder performs)

Important Reminders
Morning/Class Meetings
Please make sure that you are continuing to incorporate your class meetings as a way to help with behavior, expectations and learners getting to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings each week.  Remember that this is a great way to ensure each learner is feeling important and that what they say and who they are matter!  We will be sharing out later this spring ideas you have implemented how class meetings seem to be working for your kiddos!  

Hallway, Classroom and Recess Expectations
It is getting to the be time of year in which spring has officially hit, so please keep holding high expectations for learners in all areas of the school.  

Consistency will be the key and holding everyone accountable for how their behavior is affecting others during the day.  We have been having some troubles with transitions lately (going and coming from specials, leaving the lunchroom and coming/going from recess, and transitioning from room to room)  Please pay attention to how you can ensure we are all working together to help in these areas of the school.

Also, we have several learners putting their hands on others. (hitting, pushing, etc.) If you would please review the importance of personal space and how we take care of others as well as reach out and let parents know if these are becoming repetitive behaviors.  

Book Fair
Please remember that learners may visit the book fair in the morning or after school with a parent.  Also, if they come to school with money, please make sure that you allow them to go down sometime during the school day such as during their specials time or during recess or whatever works best for you during instruction time!

Open House
Please make sure you have gotten your hallways and classrooms freshened up for our families coming this week to Open House!  Remember that is might be fun to have some activities for parents to do such as accessing qr codes or  different types of programs (databases, online tools, digital portfolios, etc.) during the showcase of learning!  Also, our Book Fair will be open that night, so feel free to have that as a stopping point as well!

From the Desk of BS….volume 24
Guest Blogger 
To add a little intrigue to this week’s edition of “From the Desk of BS,” I approached one of your fellow colleagues and asked if she would be a guest columnist. It’s always great to hear the thoughts of others and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 

“How was your day?” 
“What happened today?” 
“I have my family/friends, food, shelter, and air. What more could I ask for?” 

With spring break being just around the corner, I find myself delaying the active choice to count my blessings. I am counting down my days until spring break instead of counting up my daily blessings. But why? Because, our job is HARD! It is mentally, emotionally, and physically taxing. Everyone would confess that accommodating to, caring for, documenting, protecting, disciplining, defending, encouraging, empowering, differentiating, and teaching a group of 20+ kids for 7 hours is hard. One thing people forget is that difficulty and importance go hand in hand, the harder the work the more important.

We all not only deserve a truckload of the warmest cookies, but we ALSO deserve to live every moment in happiness. One wise educator once told me, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest time if one only remembers to turn on the light” (Professor Dumbledore). It only takes one person to turn on the light (even though some of our learners refuse to acknowledge this). Be the one to turn on the lights by giving yourself and others some grace this week. Who may be the only one in a kiddo’s or coworker’s room that day who cares enough to turn on the light they have been struggling to find.


What a great read to end a great week and head into our final five before spring break! Thank you again to our guest columnist (who chose to remain anonymous), but deserves to be celebrated for taking a risk with me! 
Enjoy your weekend, the break is on the horizon. I’m counting on enjoying the next 5 days and the wonderful learners we get to impact! 

Shout Outs!
Rachel, Thank you so much for always being flexible and thinking of such great ideas! You are such a wonderful partner and a balance to my craziness! –Meredith

Thank you, Renee, and your junior I-team for getting all the first graders digital stories linked to their google site! We loved having you help us! From, the First Grade Team

Thank you to our cookie Fairy, Lorri!! We love Fridays because we know you will be coming to deliver warm cookies to us! Love, A Hall

Courtney, Thank you telling me about PowToons! My kids LOVED creating their shape riddles using PowToons. :) Ashlin

Marly, Kate, Jenna, Morgan, Candace - Great work at the ADI training. I think your learners will be excited to pilot the circuit experiment. Kristan

Lori - Thank you for being flexible with your schedule. The visiting teachers were blown away by the things going on in your classroom. Kristan

Tina, Thank you for all you have done to promote the book fair this week! Love seeing our learners excited about reading!   BS

Guest blogger,  Thank you for taking a risk with me and sharing you positivity with the staff! You never cease to amaze me!  BS

Lauren, Marly, Meredith, Thank you for sharing your input with me for my meeting on Thursday!  BS

Laura, Thank you for working alongside me to get our 2017-18 budget ready to be turned in! We are conquering munis one entry at a time! - Angie

Brett, Thank you for taking over on Friday while I was out sick! I appreciate all that you do each day for TCE and for me! – Angie

Thank you Spears for everything you have been doing to prepare for STAAR! From training, paperwork and double entries. . .your hard work does not go unappreciated! Thank you!!! – Angie

Thank you Hansen, Shelby and Spears for all of your efforts with TELPAS! I appreciate your willingness to try testing out with our laptops this year and for working with everyone to gather all needed samples, etc. as we document learner growth! – Angie

Sherri, Thank you for always being so willing to help out with coverage, popping our popcorn and everything else that comes up during a school day! We appreciate you! - Angie
Thank you Candace and Leigh Ann for helping our 1st graders with screencasting! You guys rock! Love Kelly and Marie

Tina, thank you for always being willing to help with my technology issues.

Thank you so much to my whole team! Each one of you are special and have made coming back to teaching a little easier. Thank you for being kind and helping me grow as a teacher! You're the best!

Kelly, Thank you for setting up my Webpage and for being so sweet about helping me!!! You are such a "behind the scenes" hard worker and you deserve every shout out you get!!! I'm so thrilled I get to work with you!!!!

March Birthdays
Becky Garrett - 7th
Kelly Burks - 8th
Sherri Kingsley - 16th
Beth Parker - 17th
Meredith Schaaf - 20th
Megan McGraw - 26th
Jessica Cavet - 27th
Lorri Brehm - 30th

Teaching Strategy for the Week:  
Finding Joy 
I came across a cool video connection that I thought was in interesting perspective to what we choose to do each day in education.  This video puts an interesting twist on life and career choice. . .bringing in those times when we find ourselves as educators realizing that our efforts and struggles at times are what often lead us to those huge moments of joy in our journey.  

Chris Burkard, The joy of surfing in ice cold water
Click above or here for video connection!

Final Quotes for the Week
Loved reading Brett's and our special guest blogger's connection this week as we make it to our final few days to Spring Break!  Remember. . .celebrate those little successes and give yourself time each day to experience all of those small and big joys in life! 

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