Sunday, March 29, 2015

First Round. . .Down!

Well everyone, we made it through the first round of STAAR!  Hope you are all enjoying your Easter weekend and are getting the chance to enjoy family and get some rest today! 

Upcoming Weekly Events

April 6th-10th, 2015  

Monday-   Have a Marvelous Monday!

Tuesday-  Have a Terrific Tuesday!

WednesdayFaculty/Vertical Meeting 3:15

Sky Ranch Parent Meeting 5:30pm
PTO Meeting 9:15am
Friday- Texan Town

PST/RTI meetings - C106 

Announcement Weekly Info  

Life Principle: Initiative

Cowboy Courtesy: When meeting new people, shake hands and repeat their names.
ABC of Etiquette:
  Never reach over someone’s plate to get something.

Important Reminders and Updates

Book Studies
If you could please make sure that you have both of our books, Choice Words and Opening Minds, read by our faculty meeting this week!  This way we will be able to continue follow up discussions, etc. 

April Birthdays
Marnie Cranmer - 4th
Brett Shelby - 7th
Laci Garza - 11th
Megan Besozzi - 14th
Morgan Peccarelli - 22nd
Stacey Watson - 27th

Engineer of the Week 
Please remember that Brett or I will cover a morning/afternoon or lunch/recess duty for you during the week!  Just email us to let us know what might work out!  Also, you may leave early one day once your kiddos are dismissed!

This week we are celebrating:  Renee Rohani

Shout Outs 
Marnie Cranmer for all she is doing with our Kinder registration!
Cindy Schroeder for always lending a helping hand to cover classes when needed!

Alicia Montgomery and Brad Cook for all they did to make the iPad rollout successful!  

4th and 5th grade teachers for their support during the iPad rollout!  

4th and 5th grade teachers as well as all of our testing administrators during this first go round of STAAR!  

Becky Garrett, Laci Garza and Ashley Martin for a great Kinder performance at the Spirit rally!

Kelly Spears for getting all of our STAAR materials ready and then taken back to turn in!  

Lisa Hansen for all of her support with TELPAS and writing samples!  

Todd Haddock and Paul Velasquez for offering to come out and help cook up the delicious fajita lunch on Friday! 

Brett Shelby for getting all of the report cards run and ready to hand out and all of the K-5 teachers for getting the info input into the system!  

Final Quotes

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Cake on My Face. . .

I can't believe this Friday is going to already be our next to last Spirit Rally for the year!  I am sure to remember it as I will have some lovely cake on the face. . .
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and as we make our way closer to our 1st round of STAAR testing, please make sure we are constantly focusing on keeping all of those school wide expectations up each day to ensure the best learning environments for all of our kiddos!  

Upcoming Weekly Events

March 23rd-27th, 2015
Monday-  Have a Marvelous Monday!

Angie Out All Day - Principal Meeting

WednesdayiPad Rollout for 4th and 5th grades

PLC/Vertical Meeting 3:15 pm
Have a Tremendously Great Thursday!
Spirit Rally (Kinder performs) 8:30am

Announcement Weekly Info  

Life Principle: Propriety

Cowboy Courtesy: When responding to an adult, say, “Yes Ma’am,” or “No Sir.”
ABC of Etiquette:  Do not play with your food.

Important Reminders and Updates
Book Studies
If you could please make sure that you have both of our books, Choice Words and Opening Minds, read by our faculty meeting in April.  This way we will be able to continue follow up discussions, etc. 
Please make sure K-5 Classroom teachers that you are completing everything Brett and Lisa need in order to collect the ratings with your TELPAS writings.  Remember to go over the checklist for everything needed as these are a state requirement and a very important part of the campus/district assessment system.  
All staff, make sure you have completed the needed STAAR modules for upcoming testing days!  I will be sending home the letter to parents this week about the upcoming dates.  

March Birthdays  
Becky Garrett- 7th
Kelly Burks - 8th
Beth Parker - 17th 
Meredith Garnier - 20th
Megan McGraw - 26th 
Lorri Brehm - 30th
Engineer of the Week 
Please remember that Brett or I will cover a morning/afternoon or lunch/recess duty for you during the week!  Just email us to let us know what might work out!  Also, you may leave early one day once your kiddos are dismissed!

This week we are celebrating:  Courtney Rice

 Final Quotes
Thought these quotes were fitting for this absolutely gorgeous Sunday and as we make our way into Spring!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Springing on Forward. . .

I can't believe we are already moving on into spring!  I hope you got the chance to have some smiles with friends and family during spring break and are ready to push on forward with a great rest of the school year! It is going to be a little busy this week with having to reschedule Open House, but at least we got to spring forward and have the time change happen during the break! :)

Upcoming Weekly Events
March 15th-16th, 2015

**Book Fair Monday and Tuesday

**STAAR Training (you may attend the Monday or Tuesday session).  Everyone must attend the training.
MondaySTAAR Training 3:15 pm - location TBD

iPad Parent meeting 7:15 am and 3:15 pm

STAAR Training - location TBD
Open House 5:30-7:00pm

Vertical Meeting 3:15 pm
Thursday- PTO meeting 9:15 am

CMSN Showcase 5th grade @ North 
Texan Town

Announcement Weekly Info  

Life Principle: Loyalty

Cowboy Courtesy: Do not smack your lips, “tsk,” roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.
ABC of Etiquette:  Do not slurp or blow bubbles in your drink.

Important Reminders and Updates
 Open House 
 Open House will be coming up Tuesday (make up date), so make sure we continue working on our hallway displays of learning and what you may want to showcase in your classrooms for your parents! I know several people last year had parents participating in station activities or using technology to pull up info with QR codes or digital portfolios.  Please make sure you have all your technology ready to go if using and that you please make sure you have all your devices collected at the end of the event.
STAAR Testing 
Our first round of STAAR testing is quickly approaching.  We will be sending a letter home to parents about these dates as well as that they may not be in the building on these days to volunteer, have lunch, etc.  We will be providing lunch to the staff of both of these days and we will let you know who we will need for testing groups during the training this week.  We are training the entire staff as we will have many small groups that need testing administrators and also for everyone to be on the same page for testing security in the building.  

Book Studies
If you could please make sure that you have both of our books, Choice Words and Opening Minds, read by our faculty meeting in April.  This way we will be able to continue follow up discussions, etc. 
March Birthdays  
Becky Garrett- 7th
Kelly Burks - 8th
Beth Parker - 17th 
Meredith Garnier - 20th
Megan McGraw - 26th 
Lorri Brehm - 30th

Engineer of the Week 
Please remember that Brett or I will cover a morning/afternoon or lunch/recess duty for you during the week!  Just email us to let us know what might work out!  Also, you may leave early one day once your kiddos are dismissed!

This week we are celebrating: Laci Garza
Final Quotes
Sometimes we just need to take a step back and appreciate the little things in life and the journey along the way. . .

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Can Y'all Believe all this Crazy Weather?

I hope everyone has stayed cozy and warm over this chilly weekend!  Remember if you donated $5 you can still wear jeans/sweats on Monday and Tuesday of this week! Dr. Waldrip will be coming to speak to our faculty on Wednesday for our faculty meeting.  

Upcoming Weekly Events
March 2nd-6th, 2015

**Book Fair all week
Monday-  Team Leader Meeting 3:15

Tuesday- Doughnuts with Dad/Mom (A-L alphabet)

Angie Out (Principal Meeting)

Wednesday- Doughnuts with Dad/Mom (M-Z alphabet)
Faculty Meeting - 3:15 (Location To Be Determined)
Open House 5:30-7:00pm
Texan Town

Announcement Weekly Info  

Life Principle: Friendship
Cowboy Courtesy: Greet visitors and make them feel welcome. 
ABC of Etiquette:  Do not talk with your mouth full. 

Important Reminders and Updates
 Open House 
 Open House will be coming up next Thursday, so make sure we continue working on our hallway displays of learning and what you may want to showcase in your classrooms for your parents! I know several people last year had parents participating in station activities or using technology to pull up info with QR codes or digital portfolios.  Please make sure you have all your technology ready to go if using and that you please make sure you have all your devices collected at the end of the event. 

Book Studies
If you could please make sure that you have both of our books, Choice Words and Opening Minds, read by our faculty meeting in April.  This way we will be able to continue follow up discussions, etc. 

March Birthdays
Becky Garrett- 7th
Kelly Burks - 8th
Beth Parker - 17th 
Meredith Garnier - 20th
Megan McGraw - 26th 
Lorri Brehm - 30th
Engineer of the Week 
Please remember that Brett or I will cover a morning/afternoon or lunch/recess duty for you during the week!  Just email us to let us know what might work out!  Also, you may leave early one day once your kiddos are dismissed!

This week we are celebrating: Mary Kennington

Here are a few resources that might be additional ideas for your Monday morning meeting times or just other class meetings you may have to let learners get to know each other or reflect on emotions, manners and social skills.  

These are just a nice reminder of how modeling and expecting kiddos to use these types of manners will help with respect inside and outside of the classroom. 

When looking for a fun way to help share feelings or the feelings of others.
Some fun games that might be incorporated during morning meetings or at other times to work on cooperation and team building.

More ideas for getting others to understand the emotions of others.

Here are some fun question starters you could use for learners to share, while waiting for transitions, or during morning meetings.
If you could have ANY animal as a pet, which animal would you choose? Why?

If you could travel to any place in the world,
where would it be? Why?

If you had a magic carpet, where would you fly to?

If you were going on holiday with your family and you could only bring 3 things, what would you bring? Why

If you could go to any setting from any book that you have read, what setting would it be? Why?

You are going on a walk through the woods. You have a jar with you so you can collect something interesting that you find.  Describe what you find and draw it.

A new child walks into our classroom.  Write two things you could say to make him/her feel welcome and write down one class rule with an explanation of why it is important.

If you could meet a famous person, who would you meet? Why? What would you say to him/her?

If you could speak another language, which language would you choose? Why?

If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go? Why?

If you could travel back in time, where and when would you travel to? Why?

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it? Describe your island.

 If you could travel into the future, what year would
you want to visit? Why? What do you think it would be like?

If you could be famous, what would you like to be famous for?  Why?

If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Why?

If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose? Why?
If you were a monster, what kind of monster would
you be? Why?

If you were a toy, what toy would you be? Why?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why? What would you do with this power?

If you were going to a deserted island and you could take 3 things with you, what would
you take?  Why?

If you could be a color what color would you be? Why?

If you were a fruit, what would you be? Why?

If you were as tall as a giraffe, how would your life be different? What would you do for fun?

If you were one centimeter tall, how would your life be different? What would you do for fun?

If you could be a character from a film or television program, who would you be? Why?

If you could be a character from a book, who
would you be? Why?

If you could have any type of adventure, what would
it be? Why? What would you do on your adventure?

If you could choose a new name for yourself,
what would you choose? Why?

What is your favorite memory? Why?

If you were the teacher for a day, what
would you do? Why?

If you could invent something new, what
would you invent? Why?

If you could invent a new animal, what would
it look like? What would it eat and where would it live? What would its name be?

If you could create a magic spell, what
would it do? Why?

If you could create a new website, what would
it be about? Why?

If you could talk to an animal, what kind of animal would you talk to? Why?

If you could hold a world record in something,
what would it be? Why?

If you could compete in the Olympics, what
sport would you compete in? Why?

If you could play any game, what would
you choose? Why?

If you could choose one thing to learn at
school, what would that be? Why?

If you could be a number, which number
would you choose? Why?

If you could be a letter of the alphabet, which letter would you choose? Why?

Final Quotes
I thought these were both a couple of good reminders for making sure we are taking care of those we work with and those around us in our world.